Source: archers_20140620-1920a.mp3
You are listening to Friday's episode of The Archers from BBC Radio 4.
How awful for her! / Well, she had those cats for years. It was bound to happen sometime. / But, at her age, something like that's bound to knock you back. / mom said / really upset. / I'm not surprised. / it's all right / Is she OK? Looks like / weight / just as well / her / beginning of the bruise / quarter / get an ulcer. / Yeah. ... So, __ food for the bon fire next week / Yeah. Um, well, we don't know how many are gonna turn up, so it's difficult to j__ the catering. How about, we do a sort of bring-your-own b__? / Bring-your-own b__? / Yeah. I'm not ... I mean, uh, don't mean / own grill / just the food / how __ __ cook it? / ask Kenton if / borrow / Bull's portable grill. / Oh, yeah. Good idea. / Well, I'll give him a ring. And then I / take / up / make a start / building a fire / hand / load in a minute. / you got / any more /customers? / No. This one / me last. / Well, if you're sure. / Yeah. / Eddie's doing the milking, and Jill's got the evening meal in hand. / OK then. Thanks. / I'll see you there.
It's absolutely en__ing. / Yeah. It's good, innit? / The way they sway between the trees, __ such beautiful colors. / __'ve done it really well. / __ lights __ leaves ... it's like entering a ... sort of dream world. / It's not what you expected at festival? / reminds me a bit of __ __ / Remember the __ fairies / trees / lovely, that ones. / Yes. / I think we should definitely have an __ our LoxFest. / a__ __ be perfect for it. / Huh huh, __, art ... trail ... / as ambitious as this, of course / Oh, yeah, naturally. / But, you know / short walk / some striking exhibits, it's a real contrast / main arena in the crowds. / very peaceful. / I'll talk to __, see what / recommend. / great. ... Oh, uh, Elizabeth / if you've seen the time / if you want to catch that / sketch / I think so / need to go off to the comedy tent.
Kenton's given the OK on that grill, by the way. / Great. / So, if we tell everyone to bring their own burgers or steaks or whatever, / Yeah, OK. / Right. That'll do. / Have you done? / Yeah. / 'cause I / over / bath now. / OK. / watch / bit / footie / Oh yeah / you can make yourself beautiful / for this evening. / only a drink at the Bull. / Uh, maybe, but I'm really looking forward to it. / Me too.
Hooray! / Whooo! / they were great. / Oh, weren't they? / it's a shame we missed the beginning. / Ah, well, that's always the way. I mean, / so much on / some of it, and / miles / dashing / one thing to another / still / glad / the comedy. / great / it? / one about / snake / was hilarious. ... Oh, what an amazing afternoon! __, even the food was good. / like I said, it's not / all / people don't realize. / And this place doesn't even / selling point of its food, not like we will. Oh, there are so many good ideas / incorporate in LoxFest, if not this one, then the next. / The next? / Well, I mean, if we're going through all the trouble / make most of it / we? / Fine by me, yeah. / as long as it is a success. / I'm sure it will be. / cool / really have got to / a lot of things covered here / trolley rentals, and this deposit system on the grasses / that's good, / it? / litter down / then one of the kids will collect it. / Oh, we must have a good look at the g__ area tomorrow. I mean, that's gonna attract people like ... well ... / Like you? / ... people who are a bit nervous of normal camping. / yeah yeah yeah, __ __ ... / Although / very easy, boy. / problem / it's been my pleasure / fire pit / I think they have a sort of an informal acoustic session / when it gets dark / I'll make a note __ it. / and then, you've got to put your pen away 'cause I'm gonna treat you to a cocktail. / Wow, excellent. / And then, how about dinner in the pop-up restaurant? / Anything you say, boss.
Thanks, Jolene. Keep the change. / (Feeling) generous(?) / Well, I don't think it's enough to (retire on). / Oh, good lord. / I thought it was you. Hi. / Um, Ruth, this is ... / Charlie Thomas / Home Farm. / Charlie works for __. / Oh. / Here's my wife, Ruth. / How do you do? / well-deserved drink after milking? / I __n't milk / actually. / we've got a part-timeer, although Ruth does most of it. Um ... well, nice to see / Charlie, but, uh, / table free / if you'll excuse us, / Yeah. Enjoy your drink. / Thank you. / Bye.
Was that the guy you had the bus stop with? / Yeah, I'm afraid so. / Huh. / Ayway, here's to you. Happy birthday, again. / Thanks. / I reckon it's been a bit tense in here tonight, lots of people glued to the big screen. / not surprisingly. / Josh did / take a miracle. / If only we'd won last night. / S__. We had to be s__. / Yeah. well, it's a bit of a lesson for Ben and Josh, huh? / Ben's always had / final in his head, hasn't he? / Poor lad. / a way to go / before he sees that. / Well, we thought it was all over. It is now. / Huh. / __ how's Elizabeth getting on with __ field? / a bit nervous about it, wasn't she? / She's probably covered head to foot / in filth / lost / in the mud. / Sorry, me again. ... Look, um, tell me to push off if you want. I quite understand, but I really wasn't happy with / left between us last week. Could I join you briefly / It's just for a moment. / Yeah, yeah, go on, then. / Thank you, thank you. ... Um ... I'm sure I'm not your favorite person right now, and if I were you, I would be feeling quite insecure about these road proposals. / Yeah, well, obviously. / I should emphasize that / any brief for this road scheme / and I'm a farmer / here to optimize the operations of the Estate. / Sure. / What I would say is, even if the council does go for __ Route B ... / Yeah? / ... it needn't be the end of the world __ __. / Well, that's easy for you to say. It's gonna cut our farm in two, drastically reduce our acr__. / Charlie, my family has been farming that land for generations. It would be devastating. / I do understand how you feel. Your mother made it clear, for one thing. / Yeah. / But, isn't it often the case that a desruptive change can be beneficial, precisely because it is desruptive / I really do not see how ... / it forces you to make big decisions. OK, you probably have to reduce your dairy herd, but you are a mixed farmer, aren't you? / Yes. / That's great. It shows that you are not one-trick pony. So, if, in the future / deliniated / two well d__ regions / One either side / dual carriage way, you mean? / you / concentrate your herd / look for alternative enterprises on the other side. / Such as ...? / Well, food processing, energy generation ... the possibilities are endless. ... / Charlie, Charlie ... you ... you obviously believe all this stuff? / I do. / OK. What you've got to understand is that Ruth and I, our philosophy, is totally different from yours. / And this approach where / land / just a ... a business asset to be squeezed __ which way / not / farming is about. Not our sort of farming anyway. / Well, ... all I can say is that, if I was in your shoes, I'd be very excited. / Huh, excited? / You'd be in / substantial compensation. Many farmers would welcome the chance to make a major investment in their business. And I genuinely believe it could be a wonderful opportunity for you.
You've done more moves than I expected, Roy. / What? / You are a good dancer. / Oh, right, so are you. / Ah, this weekend is full of surprises / I thought / rock music, but this place is amazing. / Yeah, innit? / __ __ like a 1920's speak-easy. / Ha ha. / It's so decadant / Ah, you like it, then? / Yeah, I love it. / thirsty __ though, innit? / The what? / thirsty __ / yeah, all right. / Same again? / Oh, no no no no. I'll tell you what I fancy. / (hot spicy) cider __ __ / Coming right up.
Well, you've gotta give him full marks for trying, __(man). / He's obviously a very bright man. / Huh, just completely misguided. / Yeah. / I mean, if he thinks that that's the future for British agriculture ... / how can anyone imagine that to have a major road violating our farm would be a good thing? / Ah, well, / route / getting compensation, Ruth. / Well, there isn't enough money in the world to compensate for our home being destroyed like that. / No, there's not. He might think he can / soft / doesn't w__ with me. / Nor me. / We're gonna fight this all (the) way.
What an end to the night! / Hooo, Wheeee, / go __ without the bang, ha, ha. / What is that man trying to do? / Which man? / __ __ the big man in the, um, in the __ __ / boots. / It was b__, innit? / it's like / little / oh, either he / stick / his / trying to get off / You see all sorts, don't you? / Oh, we certainly do here. / Oh, Elizabeth, the guide (rope) ... It's all right. I got you. / All right. / Elizabeth, / Shhh ... It's all right. / I promised ... you don't have to do anything that you don't want to. / I do, though. / Elizabeth, / Yes? / That's my tent. / I know.